
For a long time, there were no Latvian book publishers in Great Britain, but only a few short-term initiatives. As a result, book stalls and bookshops were widespread. From these, the latest Latvian books and newspapers could be ordered from other countries, mainly the USA, Canada and Sweden, which had large publishers. The works of Latvian authors living in England were published mostly by publishers abroad, for example, “Grāmatu Draugs” (New York), “Alfrēds Kalnājs Publisher” (Chicago), “Imanta” (Copenhagen), “Ziemeļblāzma” (Västerås, Sweden) and others.

Over the years there were several book publishing houses in London. One example is the publishing house “Rūja” (30 Clarence Road, London, N22, whose Chairman of the Board was Sir Alfred Bossom, Bt, secretary Marianna Zariņa, and treasurer Pēteris Priedītis). It published Arturs Bērziņš's book "Sūtnis Kārlis Zariņš dzīvē un darbā" (The life and work of envoy Kārlis Zarīņš) in 1959 and Peteris Aigars’s poetry collection “Gājiens uz tautieša namu” (March to the compatriot's house) in 1962.

E. Rirdāns’ publishing house published a feuilleton collection “35 ielāpi” (35 patches) in 1951. In 1952 a collection of poetry by Pēteris Aigars “Draudzīgais tālums” (Friendly distance) was published by Latpress, which was followed in 1954 by Arturs Bērziņš’s “Ādolfs Alunāns latviešu teātrī” (Ādolfs Alunāns in Latvian theatre). “Latviešu almanachs” (Latvian Almanac), edited by Arturs Bērziņš, was published from 1953 to 1957.

The Latvian Welfare Fund (Daugavas Vanagu fonds) published Peter Aigars's novel “Līgodama upe nesa” (Swaying the river carried) in 1954.

Latviešu apgāds (The Latvian Publishing House) published Pēteris Aigars's book “Raksts ozola mizā” (An article in Oak Bark) in 1964.

From 1962, Jānis Andrups established a printing house-publishing house Venta Press/ Venta, succeeding Jānis Millers' printing house Waverly Press. Venta Press published Zeltīte Avotiņa's poetry collection “Madaras” in 1962; Vītauts Kalve’s “Mākslas vērtēšana un apcerēšana” (Art evaluation and contemplation) in 1964; and Nikolajs Soikans’s “Izstumtie: linolejuma un kokgriezumi, 1948–54” (Outcasts: linocuts and wood carvings, 1948-54) in 1965.

For a short time Spīdola operated in Manchester and published Pēteris Aigars’s collection of short stories “Vēršu pajūgs” (Ox cart) and some translations.

For a short time there was a book publishing house Papardes Zieds in Bolton, which published the cultural and art monthly "Dzīve" (Life) in 1948, Mārtiņš Fogts' short novel "Ģīmetne" (Portrait) in 1948 and a book of cartoons "Jautrais Albions" (Gay Albion) in 1948.

From 1957 to 1973 Ernests Sarkanbārdis’ Publishing House operated in Bradford.

Nottingham is associated with the activities of two publishing houses. ALGA (Anglijas latviešu grāmatu apgāds) (Latvian Book Publishing House in England) published Karīna Eglīte-Bērziņa's collection of poetry “Sirds” (Heart) in 1971. Karīna Eglīte-Bērziņa’s own publishing house KEB published her own books in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the Nottingham Latvian Book Club’s magazine "Ciba".

Ēriks Raisters’ collection of poetry “Mans laiks” (My Time) was published in 1950 and Hugo Krūmiņš's collection of poetry “Zemes vējos” (In the winds of the earth) in 1950, were published by Rīts in Aylesbury.

Selga / Selga Press published Marta Landmane's poetry collections “Pretstati” (Opposites) in 1985 and “Krustām šķērsām” (Criss-cross) in 2000, and also Laimdota Marija Grīnštein’s poetry book “Mans patvērums” (My Asylum) in 2000.