This is the web version of the exhibition "James, Duke of Courland and Semigallia (1610–1681), and His Era", which was created as a traveling exhibition by researchers from the National Historical Archives of Latvia. It was first opened at the Kandava County Museum on May 27, 2016. In the following years the exhibition was shown in Kuldīga, Bauska, Aizpute, Jelgava, Ventspils, Dobele, Vecumnieki, Lutriņi, Saldus, Talsi, Aknīste and Jēkabpils. The closing event of the traveling exhibition took place on May 10, 2019 in the premises of the Latvian State Historical Archives at the Latvian National Archives (LNA Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhīvs, LNA LVVA) in Riga.

The exhibition thematically continues the LNA LVVA exhibition "From Duke Gotthard to Duke James" and tells about the time of Duke Jacob's reign, starting from the official takeover in 1642. It is based mainly on the rich collections of documents stored in the Latvian State Historical Archives. The material is supplemented with sources of the history of the Duchy of Courland, which can be found in foreign archives and internet resources, as well as photographs of portraits of the Dukes of Courland from the collections of the Bauska Castle Museum. The exhibition provides an insight into certain aspects of the history of the period under consideration, without claiming to be a complete account.

Thematic Groups within the Exhibition: :
Introduction and the historical sources
Ascent to power in 1642
James’s family and personality
James’s court
An insight into the economy
The time of the Polish–Swedish–Russian Wars (1654–1667)
Foreign relations
Colonial policy


The Latvian State Historical Archives at the Latvian National Archives
The State Archives of Latvia at the Latvian National Archives

Project Manager 2016-2020:
Dr. hist. Valda Pētersone
Deputy Director of Latvian State Historical Archives at the Latvian National Archives

Author of the Exhibition:
Dr. hist. Mārīte Jakovļeva
Researcher at the Latvian National Archives

Web development:
Ainars Mazvērsītis, the Latvian State Archives

Exhibit team thanks to:
Administration of the Latvian National Archives,
Bauska Castle Museum

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Materials and excerpts from the virtual exhibit may be used and quoted with proper credit given to the source.

Comments about the virtual exhibit can be sent to the Latvian State Historical Archives (address: Slokas iela 16, Rīga, LV-1048, e-mail: vestures.arhivs@arhivi.gov.lv).


© 2022 LNA Latvian State Historical Archives
© 2022 LNA Latvian State Archives
© Mārīte Jakovļeva