Organization "Daugavas vanagi"
Daugavas Vanagi (DV) as a "cultural and economic welfare association for Latvian war victims and their family members" was founded by Latvian war veterans on 28 December 1945 in Cedelheim war prisoner camp in Belgium. During the refugee camp period in Germany 48 territorial DV units were established and the first DV general meeting in Germany was convened on 2 June1948, in Straumēni camp in Hallendorf. From 1946 to 1969 the Chairman of DV was Colonel Vilis Janums. DV activities were focussed on three main areas: material and cultural care of former soldiers, the fight for the rights of the soldiers and their relatives and political activity. Since 1951 DV has acted according new "global" principles that consider the legal particulars of the DV units in different countries.
"Daugavas Vanagi" apgāda likvidācijas akts Nr. 2. 1949. gada 17. decembris. LVA, 2322. f., 1v. apr., 22. l., 69. lp. |
DV priekšnieka Viļa Januma pārskats. 1948. gads (?) LVA, 2322. f., 1v. apr., 22. l., 72. lp. |
Pārskats par DVF (Daugavas Vanagu Fonda) darbību Lielbritānijā. 1948. gada 9. marts. LVA, 2322. f., 1v. apr., 22. l., 86. lp. |