Educational work was especially extensive and successful in the Latvian refugee camps, which was administered by the Education and Culture Division of the Latvian Central Committee (LCC). In the spring 1946 there were 122 Latvian folk schools in Germany with about 7000 pupils, 57 gymnasiums with about 2500 students and 45 kindergartens with 1700 children. There were also 12 vocational schools that specialised in agriculture, forestry, gardening, technologies, maritime studies, craftsmanship, etc. Folk high schools operated in Augsburg, Esslingen, Würzburg and Blomberg. All these educational institutions operated according to the school programmes of the independent Latvia and gave to their students deep and comprehensive knowledge. Diplomas issued by refugee gymnasiums were recognised by the authorities of both Germany and other European countries.
A special status was granted to rehabilitation centres for the disabled, with their professional re-education programmes that were also used by about 500 Latvian refugees.
As a result of the efforts of the LCC Manager of Education Affairs Prof. Fricis Gulbis, the Baltic University was founded (19451949, in Hamburg, later in Pinneberg). Latvian students also studied at the UNRRA University (19451947, in München). Also, German universities were used for studies quite extensively (in Esslingen, Stuttgart, Würzburg, Tübingen, Marburg, Göttingen, Hamburg, Kiel, Bonn, etc.). The number of Latvian students in Germany exceeded two thousand.
The Latvian Students Association was established in 1946 in Hamburg. After uniting with the Latvian Students Union established in München in 1946, it was called the Latvian Students Central Association (LSCA) as of August 1947. The LSCA actively cooperated with the Baltic Students Central Council founded in March 1947. In 1948 the Latvian Association of Corporations was founded in Esslingen. In 1948 in Esslingen the Convention of Female Students Bureaus resumed its activities.
Certificate on completing a full course at the J. Čakste Latvian folk school. Year 1946. LVA, 2335. f., 1. apr., 111. l., 1. un 1.o.p. lp. |
Haunstetten Latvian folk school. Years 1946-1947. LVA, 2335. f., 1. apr., 385. l., 2. lp. |
Trigonometry notebook. Year 1947. LVA, 2250. f., 27v. apr., 1. l., 177. lp. |
Student card of the Baltic University. Year 1947. LVA, 1971. f., 1. apr., 66. l., 12. lp. |
The Baltic University. 17 February 1949. LVA, 2250. f., 2v. apr., 14. l., 3. lp. |
5th graduation of Auseklis gymnasium. Augsburg-Hochfeld DP camp. 4 February 1949. LVA, 2250. f., 2v. apr., 5. l., 12. lp. |
Veidene Latvian folk school report. Year 1949. LVA, 2250. f., 2v. apr., 6. l., 41. lp. |
Latvian refugee art school in Esslingen. LVA, 2250. f., 51v. apr., 1. l., 1. lp. |
Latvian refugee art school in Esslingen. LVA, 2250. f., 51v. apr., 1. l., 9. lp. |
Latvian refugee art school in Esslingen. LVA, 2250. f., 51v. apr., 1. l., 16. lp. |
"Saule" gymnasium principal and teachers report to Head of Education department at the Latvian Central Committee LVA, 2335. f., 1. apr., 97. l., 71., 72. lp. |