Youth organizations

During the refugee period the activities of the Latvian Scouts and Girl Guides suspended by the occupation, were resumed. In total 100 Scout and 100 Girl Guide units were active in Germany, with four thousand and three thousand members respectively. The Scout and Girl Guide administration was divided in North Germany and South Germany divisions .

Other active youth organisations during the refugee camp period were the Young Men’s Christian Association and the Young Women’s Christian Association, better known by their abbreviated English names YMCA and YWCA. About 70 YMCA and YWCA groups opened in Germany and the administration of the organisation was divided in North Germany and South Germany regions according to the borders of the occupation zones.

Latviešu skautu priekšnieka vietnieka V. Klētnieka pateicības vēstule. 1947. gada 23. janvāris.
Skauti Altgarges (Alt-Garge) nometnē paceļ karogu. 1946. gads.
Skauti un gaidas Altgarges (Alt-Garge) nometnē. 1946. gads. R. Āboliņa foto.
Gaidas Altgarges (Alt-Garge) nometnē. 1946. gads. R. Āboliņa foto.
Heidelbergas Latviešu studnetu biedrības ziņojums. 1947. gada 8. marts.
Latviešu skautu un gaidu apliecība. Gulbis Ilona. 1949. gada 1. februāris.